24 Jun 2018

Becoming a Terminal Pro - Part 2


The UNIX Philosophy

We have covered the theory of computers, shells and some fundamental Bash commands previously (see here for last week’s reports). In this masterclass, we will present the anatomy of a Bash command, shell scripting and text-based tools such as grep, sed and awk. Before we delve into the terminal, it is important to state some of the fundamental principles of the Unix Philosophy, as all of the tools we will discuss today were made with these principles in mind.

  1. Do one thing and do it well.
  2. Everything is a file.
  3. Plain text is the universal interface.

Most of the command-line tools we will use today have a very narrow, but well-defined function. The strength of Bash and other UNIX shells comes not from the individual tools themselves, but from how they interact. The universal interface for these tools is plain text, as opposed to binary code. This is because these tools were made for you, a human being, not for computers, and it is generally easier for a human to read plain text than it is to read binary code. Throughout this report, we will revisit and clarify these principles where relevant.

The Simple Command

The simple command is a list of tokens, separated by spaces or tabs (or blanks), where the first token is the command to be executed and the remaining tokens are its arguments. For example:

$ echo This is a command
This is a command

The command echo outputs its arguments to the terminal. Even at this basic level, there are some peculiarities in Bash that we need to explain. First of all, because the arguments are passed to the program as a list of tokens, and not as the literal string that you use to invoke the command, it does not matter how many spaces you enter in between arguments:

$ echo apples bananas
apples bananas
$ echo        apples       bananas
apples bananas

In this example, both commands receive the same argument list ['echo', 'apples', 'bananas'], even though the spacing in the simple command was different. Let’s write our first shell script to illustrate this further. Using your favorite text editor, write the following script and save it to a file called args.sh.


echo Program name: $0
echo Argument 1: $1
echo Argument 2: $2

The first line in this script uses the shebang notation to indicate that the script is a Bash script. We will discuss this in more depth later.

In a Bash script, the argument list is accessible by the special variable $N, where N is the Nth argument. The zeroth argument is a special argument that holds the command that invoked script. For instance, if we execute this script without any arguments, we get the following output.

$ chmod +x args.sh
$ ./args.sh
Program name: ./args.sh
Argument 1:
Argument 2:

It may seem odd that a program or script should learn its own name through the argument list, should it not know that already? The fact is that the program name is just the name of the file containing it, which is an arbitrary label and not known to the program a priori. We can rename the file to zebra.sh and it will behave in exactly the same way.

$ mv args.sh zebra.sh
$ ./zebra.sh
Program name: ./zebra.sh
Argument 1:
Argument 2:

As before, when invoking args.sh with additional arguments, Bash splits up the simple command into individual tokens, separated by blanks, and places them into the argument list before it is passed to the program or script.

$ ./args.sh apples bananas
Program name: ./args.sh
Argument 1: apples
Argument 2: bananas

Escaping Characters

The fact that Bash splits up the simple command in this way may pose problem when you want to include spaces or tabs in your arguments. For instance, perhaps you want to print the line Wait for it... Here it is! with a bunch of spaces in the middle. One way to achieve this is to use escape the meaning of space as a separator by using a backslash (\ ). When preceding a character with a non-quoted backlash, you tell Bash that you want the character to be interpreted literally and not with the special significance that it may have in Bash commands.

$ ./args.sh apples\ bananas
Program name: ./args.sh
Argument 1: apples bananas
Argument 2:

In this example, we escaped the space between apples and bananas so that the space was interpreted literally instead of as a token separator. In Bash, a token is a string that is considered a single unit, and may may contain spaces, tabs or newlines. The argument list in this example contains two tokens: ['./args.sh', 'apples bananas'].

There is one exceptional character which the non-quoted backslash does not escape: the newline. Instead, if you enter a backslash, immediately followed by Enter, it is used for line continuation, meaning that you split your command over multiple lines.

$ ./args.sh apples\
> bananas
Program name: ./args.sh
Argument 1: applesbananas
Argument 2:

If you want to enter literal newline characters, you need to use quoting.


Another method to group words together into tokens is to use quotations, which in Bash come in two different flavours: single quotes (') and double quotes ("). The main difference is that double quotes allow you to perform variable and command substitution (discussed later in the report) in the quoted region, while single quotes preserve the literal string sequence.

$ var=cucumber
$ echo "$var"
$ echo '$var'

Quotations are ubiquitous in Bash and it is generally advised to enclose variable substitutions with double quotes (link). This avoids some subtle bugs, one of which we actually have made in args.sh. Consider the following command:

$ ./args.sh "apples    bananas"
Program name: ./args.sh
Argument 1: apples bananas
Argument 2:

We would expect the spaces between apples and bananas to be preserved in the script, but they have collapsed into a single space. This is because we have not enclosed the variable substitution $1 in double quotes. Hence, when our script prints the first argument, the Bash interprets the line as follows:

# Command
echo Argument 1: $1

# Variable substitution
echo Argument 1: apples    bananas

# Argument list to echo
['echo', 'Argument', '1:', 'apples', 'bananas']

Since parameter substitution occurs before token splitting, the spaces between apples and bananas count as blanks, hence they are processed as separate tokens by Bash. We modify our Bash script with double quotes to correct this.


echo "Program name: $0"
echo "Argument 1: $1"
echo "Argument 2: $2"

Now we get the desired behaviour because Argument 1: apples bananas is interpreted as a single token.

$ ./args.sh "apples    bananas"
Program name: ./args.sh
Argument 1: apples    bananas
Argument 2: 

Note that even the empty string can be a token.

$ ./args.sh "" cucumber
Program name: ./args.sh
Argument 1:
Argument 2: cucumber

In this example, the argument list is ['./args.sh', '', 'cucumber']. For more information regarding quoting, see the QUOTING section in the Bash manpage (man 1 bash).

Standard Output, Standard Error and File Redirection

So far, we have discussed the argument list, which is a type of input to a command. We now focus on the output of commands. Commands are capable of printing text to the terminal as an output. For instance:

$ touch file
$ ls file

Here, the ls command prints the text file to the terminal. As discussed in the introduction, everything is a file, and that includes the terminal output. In UNIX, every file opened by a process is associated with a number called the file descriptor. By default, programs write to the reserved file descriptor 1, also known as the standard output, or stdout. Without any redirections, the standard output is linked to a special “file” that represents the terminal. We can show this explicitly by examining the directory /proc/self/fd, which is a virtual directory, provided by the Linux operating system, that displays the file descriptors of the current process.

$ ls -l /proc/self/fd/1
lrwx------ 1 thomas thomas 64 Jun 23 19:26 /proc/self/fd/1 -> /dev/pts/0

In this case, stdout is linked to the device file /dev/pts/0. This is the file that represents the terminal. Thus, when ls writes to stdout, it appears on the terminal. The redirection operator > some_file that we saw in last week’s session sets file descriptor 1, or stdout, to some_file instead of /dev/pts/0. We illustrate this as follows:

$ ls -l /proc/self/fd/1 > /tmp/some_file
$ cat /tmp/some_file
l-wx------ 1 thomas thomas 64 Jun 23 20:15 /proc/self/fd/1 -> /tmp/some_file

Instead of printing to the terminal, the stdout of ls was redirected to /tmp/some_file.

To drive the point home that the terminal output is exposed by UNIX as a file, open up a second terminal and write to the device file that corresponds to the first terminal (in my case /dev/pts/0).

# Terminal 1
$ ls -l /proc/self/fd/1
lrwx------ 1 thomas thomas 64 Jun 23 19:26 /proc/self/fd/1 -> /dev/pts/0

# Terminal 2
$ echo apples > /dev/pts/0

# Terminal 1
$ apples

You can write text to /dev/pts/0 as if it was a file! Trying to open it with a text editor will fail however because it is not a “regular” file, but a “device” file, which imposes some restrictions on the type of operations you can perform on it.

Standard Error

As you execute commands and redirect their stdout, you may notice that some terminal output may still appear. This is especially the case when an error occurs.

$ ls non_existent_file > output
ls: cannot access 'non_existent_file': No such file or directory

What is going on here? It turns out that Linux commands often write to another standardised file descriptor; the standard error or stderr. The standard error corresponds to file descriptor 2 and is also linked to the terminal by default. It is mostly used to print error or debugging messages that are not part of the expected output of the command.

$ ls -l /proc/self/fd/1 /proc/self/fd/2
lrwx------ 1 thomas thomas 64 Jun 23 20:38 /proc/self/fd/1 -> /dev/pts/0
lrwx------ 1 thomas thomas 64 Jun 23 20:38 /proc/self/fd/2 -> /dev/pts/0

Therefore, every Linux program has two distinct streams of output, stdout and stderr, that both refer to the terminal by default but can be redirected in Bash. This is achieved by the generalised redirection operator n> file, where n is the file descriptor. For example, in the following command we redirect stdout to output and redirect stderr to error_log.

# Redirect stdout to output and stderr to error_log
$ ls existing_file non_existent_file > output 2> error_log
$ cat output
$ cat error_log
ls: cannot access 'non_existent_file': No such file or directory

We can also use 1> output instead of > output, but because stdout is the standard output, the redirection > output without explicit file descriptor defaults to 1> output.

You may sometimes need to redirect both stdout and stderr to the same file. This can be achieved by redirecting stderr to stdout by entering 2>&1.

# Redirect stdout and stderr to output
$ ls existing_file non_existent_file > output 2>&1
$ cat output
ls: cannot access 'non_existent_file': No such file or directory

Note that the order of redirection matters because if 2>&1 comes before > output, stdout is still linked to the terminal when stderr copies the stdout link. If 2>&1 comes after > output, stderr will copy the link to output from stdout. Since redirecting stderr and stdout to a file together is a common operation, Bash provides the notation &> output, which is shorthand for > output 2>&1.

# Redirect stdout and stderr to output
$ ls existing_file non_existent_file &> output
$ cat output
ls: cannot access 'non_existent_file': No such file or directory

All of the above is also valid for the append operator >> (see last week’s report).

The Null Device

Everything in UNIX is a file, although some files are not “regular” files in the sense that they do not correspond to an actual file on a disk. Rather, they are special files that support certain file operations. We have seen one example of this with the device file /dev/pts/0 that corresponds to a terminal. Another special file that is often useful is the null device. Like the terminal file, you cannot open it in a text editor, but you can read from it and write to it.

$ cat /dev/null
$ echo banana > /dev/null

When you read from /dev/null, it acts as an empty file and returns no data. When you write to /dev/null, the operating system simply discards the data, not saving it in main memory or on the disk. It is useful when you want suppress either stdout or stderr. For this reason, it is also called the “bit bucket” or the “black hole”.

# Discard stderr
$ ls existing_file non_existent_file 2>/dev/null

In UNIX, even the void itself is a file.

Standard Input and Pipelines

Having discussed stdout and stderr, the two standardised output streams that every Linux program has access to, we now turn to standard input, or stdin, which is the standard input stream. As with stdout and stderr, the standard input is a file descriptor that is linked to the terminal by default. The file descriptor for stdin is 0.

$ ls -l /proc/self/fd/0
lrwx------ 1 thomas thomas 64 Jun 23 21:20 /proc/self/fd/0 -> /dev/pts/0

Whenever you run a command that asks for your input on the terminal, the command is actually reading from the stdin file, which is the terminal by default.

$ touch file
$ rm -i file
rm: remove regular empty file 'file'? y

Some commands accept terminal input indefinitely. For instance, the command cat without any arguments copies the input from stdin to stdout.

$ cat > file
# Stop input with Ctrl-D
$ cat file

In this case, you need to use Ctrl-D to indicate the end of the stdin file, i.e.\ no more input is available.

Similar to the redirection of stdout and stderr, we can redirect stdin to read from a file instead of the terminal input. Since we are opening a file for reading from it instead of writing to it, we use the < file notation (shorthand for 0< file). We can thus run the interactive command of before in an alternative way by writing y to the file input_file and then redirecting stdin to input_file.

$ echo y > input_file
$ cat input_file
$ touch file
$ rm -i file < input_file
rm: remove regular empty file 'file'? 

In this example, we have used input_file to store the stdout of echo y, which is then used as the stdin of rm -i file. The pattern of using one command’s stdout as the stdin of another command is so common that UNIX developers created the pipe operator | to accomplish this directly without having to store intermediate results.

$ touch file
$ echo y | rm -i file
rm: remove regular empty file 'file'? 

When you use a pipe operator, you connect the stdout of one command to the stdin of another command by using a pipe. A pipe is a special type of file that you can read and write from, and whose output is the same as what has been written to it. Thus, the pipeline cmd1 | cmd2 redirects the stdout of cmd1 to a pipe, and redirects the stdin of cmd2 to the same pipe. We show this with the following command:

$ ls -l /proc/self/fd/1 | { cat; ls -l /proc/self/fd/0; }
l-wx------ 1 thomas thomas 64 Jun 23 21:59 /proc/self/fd/1 -> pipe:[425929]
lr-x------ 1 thomas thomas 64 Jun 23 21:59 /proc/self/fd/0 -> pipe:[425929]

The curly bracket notation here is used to group commands together, so that we execute cat and ls -l /proc/self/fd/0 together as a single command after the pipeline. In this grouping, cat is used to display the output from the command before the pipe operator (which is ls -l /proc/self/fd/1 and shows the stdout redirection). We will not delve deeper into commands grouping here, as it is a rather advanced Bash feature.

In any case, the first line shows that the stdout of the command before the pipe operator is linked to pipe:[425929] with write-only permissions (see l-wx), while the second line shows that the stdin of the command after the pipe operator is linked to the same pipe with read-only permissions (see lr-x).

This brings us to one of the more amusing examples of pipelines. Apparently, some UNIX developers found it so cumbersome to repeatedly enter y in the terminal when running interactive programs, that they developed an application that just writes y to stdout in an infinite loop.

$ yes

You can press Ctrl-C to interrupt the command.

Thus, if you are running some interactive program and cannot be bothered to press y, you can pipe the output of yes instead.

$ touch file
$ yes | rm -i file
rm: remove regular empty file 'file'? 

To pipe the stdout and stderr together, you need to redirect stdout to stdin using 2>&1. Alternatively, you can use the notation |&, which is short for 2>&1 |.

$ ls -l existing_file non_existent_file 2>&1 | cat > file
$ cat file
ls: cannot access 'non_existing_file': No such file or directory
$ ls -l existing_file non_existent_file |& cat > file
$ cat file
ls: cannot access 'non_existing_file': No such file or directory

The reason why this works is because the pipe redirection of stdout takes places before any redirections specified on the command-line using n> file.

Summary of Standard Files and Pipelines

In UNIX, everything is a file, but not all files are regular files that can be opened in a text editor. Device files, such as the ones that correspond to the terminal, are abstract files that do not contain “data” like a regular file does, but they support the same write and read operations that regular files do. Similarly, pipes are a special type of file that acts as a conduit between a process writing to it and a process reading from it.

Every file opened by a process is associated with a unique number to identify it, the file descriptor. The file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 are reserved file descriptors and correspond to stdin, stdout and stderr, respectively. By default, they are linked to the terminal device file, meaning that stdin reads from the terminal, and stdout and stderr write to the terminal.

Default files for stdin, stdout and stderr.

Using the redirection operator n> file, where n is the file descriptor, we can associate different output files to stdout and stderr. When n is omitted, the redirection defaults to stdout (file descriptor 1).

Redirect stdout to `output_file` (`cmd > output_file`).

Redirect stderr to `error_log` (`cmd 2> error_log`).

Stdout and stderr can be redirected to the same file by redirecting stderr to stdout after redirecting stdout, e.g.\ cmd > output_file 2>&1. You can also use the Bash shorthand cmd &> output_file, which has the same effect.

Redirect stdout and stderr to `output_file` (`cmd &> output_file`).

Similarly, you can specify stdin to be linked to a regular file instead of the terminal. The redirection operator for input files is n< file. When n is omitted, the redirection defaults to stdin (file descriptor 0).

Redirect stdin to `input_file` (`cmd < input_file`).

You are allowed to perform as many redirections as you like in the same command.

Redirect stdin to `input_file`, stdout to `output_file` and stderr to
`error_log` (`cmd < input_file > output_file 2> error_log`).

When you pipe two commands, Bash first creates a pipe, which has a write-end and a read-end. The stdout of the first command is redirected to the write-end of the pipe and the stdin of the second command is redirected to the read-end of the pipe. The pipe is a special type of file that copies its input to its output.

Pipe stdout of first command to stdin of second command (`cmd1 | cmd2`).

For more information, see the REDIRECTION section in the Bash manpage, as well as the Pipelines subsection in the SHELL GRAMMAR section.


When you pipe two commands, the stdout of the second command is, by default, linked to the terminal. However, you can repeat this process iteratively and pipe the stdout of the second command into a third command, and so on. This led to the concept of filter programs. These are programs that accept stream of data in its stdin, perform some operations on it and output a modified stream of data in its stdout. UNIX pipelines are extremely useful because it makes it easy to combine the functionality of multiple small filter programs that “do one thing and do it well”, to perform complex operations on data.


One of the most well-known and useful filters is the grep command. The syntax for grep is grep PATTERN [FILE], where PATTERN is a regular expression and FILE is optional. When given a file, grep prints only those lines that match the regular expression somewhere on that line.

$ cat fruit
apple and banana
kiwi and banana
pear and orange
$ grep 'banana' fruit
apple and banana
kiwi and banana

Notice the use of single quotes to specify the pattern. It is generally recommended to use single quotes when you are specifying a regular expression, because Bash and regular expressions have many “special” characters in common. Hence, if you do not use single quotes, Bash may preprocess your argument and provide a different pattern to grep than you intended to.

When you do not supply a file as an argument, grep reads from stdin. You could provide this by preceding it with cat fruit |, which will pipe the contents of fruit into the stdin of grep, or by directly redirecting stdin of grep to the file fruit.

$ cat fruit | grep 'banana'
apple and banana
kiwi and banana
$ grep 'banana' < fruit
apple and banana
kiwi and banana

Sometimes you need to print all the lines that match PATTERN1 or PATTERN2. You can specify multiple patterns with the -e option (short for --regexp).

$ cat fruit | grep -e 'kiwi' -e 'orange'
kiwi and banana
pear and orange

In another case you might have to print all the lines that match PATTERN1 and PATTERN2. There is no builtin option in grep for that, but in typical UNIX fashion, you can achieve it by simply applying grep to the data twice!

$ cat fruit | grep 'banana' | grep 'apple'
apple and banana

After the first grep, only the lines that match banana remain. By applying the second grep, you select from those line only those that match apple. Hence, you end up with lines that match both patterns.

You can also negate the matching logic and print only those lines that do not match your pattern using the -v option (short for --invert-match).

$ cat fruit | grep -v 'banana'
pear and orange

You can turn off case sensitivity using the option -i (short for --ignore-case).

$ cat fruit_mixed_case
apple and BANANA
kiwi and Banana
pear and orange
$ cat fruit_mixed_case | grep -i 'banana'
apple and BANANA
kiwi and Banana

A common use case of grep is to search for certain keywords in text files. Often you would want to see some context to the matching line, e.g.\ show a number of lines before or after the matching line. You can match a number of lines before the match with the option -B (short for --before-context).

$ grep -B 1 'pear' fruit
kiwi and banana
pear and orange

Similarly, print a number of lines after the match with the option -A (short for --after-context).

$ grep -A 1 'apple' fruit
apple and banana
kiwi and banana

Finally, you can print a number of lines before and after the match with the option -C (short for --context).

$ grep -C 1 'kiwi' fruit
apple and banana
kiwi and banana
pear and orange

When searching through files, it may also be useful to print the line number along with the match. You can do this with the option -n (short for --line-number).

$ grep -n 'pear' fruit
3:pear and orange

If you do not wish to print the whole line that matches your pattern, but only the matching pattern. Use the option -o (short for --only-matching).

$ grep -o 'banana' fruit

Combine this with wc -l to count the total number of matches in the file.

$ grep -o 'banana' fruit | wc -l

Finally, you can use grep to search a directory recursively. With the option -r (short for --recursive), grep looks through all the files in the directory and all its subdirectories for matching lines.

$ ls
$ grep -i -r 'banana' .
./fruit:apple and banana
./fruit:kiwi and banana
./fruit_mixed_case:apple and BANANA
./fruit_mixed_case:kiwi and Banana

Here, I supplied the current directory . as the search directory. More information on grep can be found on its manpage (man 1 grep). For quick reference, use the command grep --help.


The name sed stands for stream editor. It is a powerful tool for editing streams of data that actually has its own scripting language. However, we will use it here only for its original and main purpose, which is text substitution.

Like grep, sed is a program that processes its input line by line. It is called in a similar way to grep, but instead of supplying a pattern, you give sed a substitution command of the form s/pattern/replacement/options. For example:

$ cat fruit
apple and banana
kiwi and banana
pear and orange
$ cat fruit | sed 's/and/or/'
apple or banana
kiwi or banana
pear or orange

You can omit replacement to delete the match from the data stream.

$ cat fruit | sed 's/and//'
apple  banana
kiwi  banana
pear  orange

Note that sed will output every line, regardless of whether there was a match on the line or not (as opposed to grep).

$ cat fruit | sed 's/kiwi/pineapple/'
apple and banana
pineapple and banana
pear and orange

Also, the choice of delimiter is arbitrary, we can also call sed as follows:

$ cat fruit | sed 's;and;or;'
apple or banana
kiwi or banana
pear or orange

If you want to use the delimiter inside the pattern or replacement, you must escape it using the backslash:

$ cat fruit | sed 's/and/and\/or/'
apple and/or banana
kiwi and/or banana
pear and/or orange

This example also shows why it is a good idea to enclose the substitution command inside single quotes. If it was not quoted, Bash would interpret the backslash as an escape for character /, and the backslash would thus not appear in the substitution command to sed.

By default, sed only substitutes the first match it encounters in every line. With the option g (for global), you replace every matches.

$ cat fruit | sed 's/na/no/'
apple and banona
kiwi and banona
pear and orange
$ cat fruit | sed 's/na/no/g'
apple and banono
kiwi and banono
pear and orange

The option i sets case insensitivity:

$ cat fruit_mixed_case
apple and BANANA
kiwi and Banana
pear and orange
$ cat fruit_mixed_case | sed 's/banana/cantaloupe/i'
apple and cantaloupe
kiwi and cantaloupe
pear and orange

It is also possible to provide a file on the command-line, instead of reading from stdin.

$ sed 's/and/or/' fruit
apple or banana
kiwi or banana
pear or orange

However, you should never redirect the stdout of sed to the file that you are reading from.

$ sed 's/and/or/' fruit > fruit
$ cat fruit
# Fruit is an empty file!

This removes the contents of the fruit because Bash redirects stdout to fruit before running the sed command. When using the > fruit redirection operator, the file contents are deleted before the command is executed. The solution is to either redirect stdout to a temporary file first and then overwriting your original file with the temporary file, or to use the option -i (short for --in-place).

$ sed -i 's/and/or/' fruit
$ cat fruit
apple or banana
kiwi or banana
pear or orange


The program tr (short for translate) is similar to sed in the sense that it performs text substition. However, the differences are that sed is line-oriented and based on regular expressions, while tr is character-oriented and does not use regular expressions. Generally speaking, tr is a more basic tool, but is very useful to convert characters on the fly.

The syntax for tr is tr SET1 SET2, where SET1 and SET2 are sets of characters. The action of tr is to replace every character in the input stream that appears in SET1 with the corresponding character in SET2.

$ cat fruit
apple and banana
kiwi and banana
pear and orange
$ cat fruit | tr 'aeio' 'AEIO'
ApplE And bAnAnA
kIwI And bAnAnA
pEAr And OrAngE

If SET2 is shorter than SET1, the last character of SET2 is repeated until SET2 has the same length as SET. Hence the following two commands are equivalent.

$ cat fruit | tr 'aeio' 'A_'
Appl_ And bAnAnA
k_w_ And bAnAnA
p_Ar And _rAng_
$ cat fruit | tr 'aeio' 'A___'
Appl_ And bAnAnA
k_w_ And bAnAnA
p_Ar And _rAng_

This is particularly useful when you need to replace a set of characters by a single character.

$ cat fruit | tr 'aeio' '_'
_ppl_ _nd b_n_n_
k_w_ _nd b_n_n_
p__r _nd _r_ng_

It is possible to specify “special” characters in the character sets, such as newlines and tabs.

$ cat fruit | tr '\n' ';'
apple and banana;kiwi and banana;pear and orange;

There are also predefined characters sets that are specified with the special syntax [:name:].

$ cat fruit | tr '[:alpha:]' '_'
_____ ___ ______
____ ___ ______
____ ___ ______
$ cat fruit | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'

For a list of these escaped characters and predefined character sets, see its manpage (man 1 tr).

When given the option -d (short for --delete), the second character set is ignored and all the characters in SET1 are deleted from the input stream. For instance, the following command replaces all spaces and newlines.

$ cat fruit | tr -d ' \n'

As opposed to sed, the tool tr only works on stdin and stdout; you cannot specify files as an argument or edit files in-place. Thus you have to redirect stdout to store your results.


AWK is a programming language for processing text files. It was initially developed by Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger and Brian Kernighan (the name comes from their initials). The syntax for awk is a similar to sed; awk COMMAND [FILE], where COMMAND is a command in the AWK language. Like sed, AWK is an programming language in itself with many features, but here we focus only on its ability to reformat field-separated text files.

By default, awk processes the input stream line by line and separates each line into fields. The default separators are spaces and tabs (this is similar to the token separator in Bash). In every line, the Nth field is referenced by $N. We can use the print statement to print a certain field to stdout. For example:

$ cat fruit
apple and banana
kiwi and banana
pear and orange
$ cat fruit | awk '{ print $1 }'
$ cat fruit | awk '{ print $2 }'
$ cat fruit | awk '{ print $3 }'

You can also include literal strings in print statements:

$ cat fruit | awk '{ print "I prefer " $1 " over " $3 }'
I prefer apple over banana
I prefer kiwi over banana
I prefer pear over orange

You can specify any delimiter using the option -F (short for --field-separator).

$ cat fruit.csv
$ cat fruit.csv | awk -F , '{ print "I will trade " $1 " for " $2 }'
I will trade apple for banana
I will trade kiwi for banana
I will trade pear for orange

Using just the print statement and the -F option, awk is a powerful to manipulate data files that are formatted in fields such as comma-separated values files.

Example: Printing Users and Default Shells

We illustrate how the tools we have discussed so far can be used and combined easily process text files. The file /etc/passwd contains information on all the user and system accounts on the machine, such as their name and default shell. You can view your /etc/passwd file by executing cat /etc/passwd and you will notice that it is a text file with a rather difficult to read format. Suppose we are interested in viewing the users that do not have nologin or false as their default shell. Moreover, we only want to know their name and default shell. We can easily extract this information and print it in a nice format using the tools we just learned.

$ cat /etc/passwd | grep -v nologin | grep -v false | sed 's;/bin/;;' | \
> awk -F: '{ print "User " $1 " uses the " $7 " shell." }'
User root uses the bash shell.
User sync uses the sync shell.
User thomas uses the bash shell.

If you have troubles understanding this pipeline, you can always build up the pipeline gradually to understand what each step does. For example, compare the output of cat /etc/passwd and cat /etc/passwd | grep -v nologin to understand what grep does. Once you understand that, add the next command in the pipeline and repeat until you understand the entire pipeline.


When you are redirecting the stdout of a long-running program to a file using > file, you may want to see the output of your program on the terminal as well. This is where the utility tee comes in handy. When you use tee FILE in a pipeline, it will copy its stdin to stdout, as well as FILE.

$ cat fruit | sed 's/and/or/' | tee fruit_or
apple or banana
kiwi or banana
pear or orange
$ cat fruit_or
apple or banana
kiwi or banana
pear or orange

Since tee does not modify the data stream, just copies it to a file, you can insert tee at any place in the pipeline to store extract the data at any point in the pipeline.

$ cat fruit | sed 's/and/or/' | tee fruit_or | \
> tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | tee fruit_or_upper
$ cat fruit_or
apple or banana
kiwi or banana
pear or orange
$ cat fruit_or_upper

The name tee is derived from its function, as it forms a “T” junction in the pipeline, preserving the flow of data while also copying it out to an external file.

sort and uniq

sort is a UNIX utility that sorts the input stream line per line.

$ cat countries
$ cat countries | sort

The default ordering is lexicographic, i.e.\ the dictionary ordering. Using the option -n (short for --numeric-sort), you can sort by numeric value.

$ cat score_countries
6 England
0 Tunisia
6 Belgium
0 Panama
$ cat score_countries | sort -n
0 Panama
0 Tunisia
6 Belgium
6 England

By default, sort sorts in ascending order. Reverse the order with the option -r (short for --reverse).

$ cat score_countries | sort -n -r
6 England
6 Belgium
0 Tunisia
0 Panama

Use the -h (short for --human-numeric-sort) option to sort by human readable numbers, such as those outputted by du -h.

$ du -s -h /usr /bin /home
6.1G    /usr
13M     /bin
283G    /home
$ du -s -h /usr /bin /home | sort -h
13M     /bin
6.1G    /usr
283G    /home

When you have a text file that with repeated lines, use a sort followed by uniq to get the set of unique lines.

$ cat colleges
Christ Church
$ cat colleges | sort | uniq
Christ Church

To count how many times each line occurs, use the option -c (short for --count).

$ cat colleges | sort | uniq -c
      1 Brasenose
      1 Christ Church
      2 Linacre
      1 Oriel
      2 Pembroke

Example: Printing Most-Frequently Used Commands

You can use sort and uniq to show your most frequently used commands. Try out the following pipeline and analyze it like the previous example to understand what it does.

$ history | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -h | tail -5
     37 grep
     40 man
     71 echo
    145 cat
    181 ls

Command Substitution

The stdout of some Bash commands are sometimes useful in the arguments of other commands. For instance, the command which gives the absolute pathname of a command’s executable file.

$ which ls

Command substitution allows you to reuse a command’s stdout in another command’s argument. When writing cmd1 $(cmd2), Bash first executes cmd2 and places its stdout in the argument of cmd1.

$ cp $(which ls) ./ls_copy

# After command substitution
$ cp /bin/ls ./ls_copy

In older scripts, you may encounter an alternative notation for command substitutions using backticks (cmd1 `cmd2`).

$ cp `which ls` ./ls_copy

# After command substitution
$ cp /bin/ls ./ls_copy

However, the use of backticks is considered outdated and should be avoided as it is not as flexible as using the $(cmd) notation.

Example: Convert Manpages to PDF Document

Perhaps you want to print out a manpage on paper or you just prefer the PDF format over the manpage format. The option -w (short for --where) prints the location of the manpage source file instead of opening the manpage.

$ man -w 1 bash

This is a gzip-compressed file, so to view it you need to the command zcat, which performs the same function as cat, but decompresses the file first. Run the following command to convert the manpage to a PDF file and analyze the command to understand what the command substitution does.

$ zcat $(man -w 1 bash) | groff -man | ps2pdf - - > bash.man.pdf

Shebang Notation

A script is a sequence of commands executed by an interpreter. The interpreter is an executable program like bash. A Bash script is run by passing its filename to the bash command. Bash will then open the script and execute its commands one by one.

$ cat script.sh
echo "Hello World!"
$ bash script.sh
Hello World!

When you treat the script as an executable file however, the operating system needs to know what interpreter to use on the script file. This is specified with the shebang notation #!/path/to/interpreter and must be on the first line of the script. The special sequence of characters #! at the start of the file tells the operating system that the file is a script. Linux then reads the absolute path to the interpreter that follows the shebang and executes it, passing on the script file to the interpreter’s arguments.

$ cat script.sh
echo "Hello World!"
$ chmod +x script.sh
$ ./script.sh
Hello World!

# This is equivalent to
$ /bin/bash ./script.sh
Hello World!

You have to provide an absolute path because the interpreter is launched by the operating system, which does not perform automatic executable lookup like Bash does by searching the directories in $PATH.

Other scripting languages also specify their interpreter using the shebang notation.

$ cat script.py
print("Hello World!")
$ chmod +x script.py
$ ./script.py
Hello World!

# This is equivalent to
$ /usr/bin/python ./script.py
Hello World!

The location of the python interpreter may differ on your system. As mentioned earlier, you can use which to see the location of the executable file (if the command is not a shell builtin, as we will see later).

$ which python

The method of how the operating system executes scripts can be made explicit using /bin/echo instead of an actual interpreter.

$ cat script.echo
$ chmod +x script.echo
$ ./script.echo

# This is equivalent to
$ /bin/echo ./script.echo

Running Scripts with source

When executing Bash scripts, you may encounter some unexpected behaviour, particularly when it comes to variables.

$ cat var.sh
echo "var: $var"
$ var=pear
$ ./var.sh

You would expect your variable assignments to persist inside the script, but that is not the default behaviour. Whenever you run an external command in Bash, like /bin/bash, Bash runs it in a child process or subshell. This child process does not have access to the local variables of the parent. However, you can set a variable to be an environment variable with the command export, which means that it will be inherited by all child processes.

$ export var
$ ./var.sh
var: pear

However, it does not work the other way around. Environment variables are only inherited unidirectionally from shell to subshell (or from parent process to child process). Thus, any environment variables defined in a script will not be visible to the shell when it is run in a subshell.

$ cat export.sh
export child_var
$ ./export.sh
$ echo "child_var: $child_var"

This poses a problem when you write a script that is intended to modify the current shell’s environment. Fortunately, there is a shell builtin command source (or its synonym .) to run a script in the current shell environment.

$ cat source_example.sh
$ source source_example.sh
$ echo "source_var: $source_var"
source_var: watermelon

The main difference between running a script using /bin/bash and source is that the former command invokes the external program /bin/bash in a subshell, while the latter command is a shell builtin that does not leave the current shell environment. You can check whether a command is an external program or a shell builtin using the shell builtin type NAME, which displays information on how Bash interprets the command NAME.

$ type bash
bash is /bin/bash
$ type source
source is a shell builtin
$ type type
type is a shell builtin

If the command is an external program, type will show its absolute path. Note that the documentation for shell builtin commands is displayed using the shell builtin help, and not man.

$ man source
No manual entry for source
$ help source
source: source filename [arguments]
    Execute commands from a file in the current shell.
    Read and execute commands from FILENAME in the current shell.  The
    entries in $PATH are used to find the directory containing FILENAME.
    If any ARGUMENTS are supplied, they become the positional parameters
    when FILENAME is executed.
    Exit Status:
    Returns the status of the last command executed in FILENAME; fails if
    FILENAME cannot be read.

Running help without any arguments displays a list of shell builtin commands.

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